Join Western Solar at the Anacortes Energy Fair on February 28th!
As a semi-finalist for the Georgetown University Energy Prize, the City of Anacortes and Transition Fidalgo are partnering to put on an energy fair and workshop as a kick-off to the city’s entry into the competition. The GUEP has fifty small cities and communities across the country competing over the next two years to reduce per capita energy usage.
The energy fair and workshop will be a combination of presentations on energy efficiency and renewable energy, and will be held in the lobby of the Northwest Educational Service District in Anacortes.
GUEP Anacortes Energy Fair
Saturday, February 28th
NW Educational Service District
1601 R Avenue, Anacortes
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Workshop Schedule
1:00 |
Doors Open |
1:10 |
DIY Home AssessmentsLearn how to conduct your own energy audit, how to do your own upgrades, and learn how much you can save. You’ll be amazed at how comfortable your home will be after you’ve eliminated drafts and cold walls. |
2:00 |
PSE’s Free HomePrint AssessmentWant a FREE home energy assessment? PSE’s HomePrint program comes to your home to do a summary evaluation, will replace incandescent bulbs with LED’s for free, and much more. Come learn about HomePrint and other money saving incentives available to you! |
2:45 |
Community Energy Challenge Professional AssessmentLooking for a one-stop-shop for energy efficiency? The CEC provides a full energy assessment, a customized energy action plan, assistance with utility and tax rebates, reliable contractors, and quality assurance! Come and learn all that is included in the 5 hour comprehensive home energy assessment, and how this program could benefit you. |
3:30 |
Cascade Natural Gas RebatesCascade Natural Gas will talk about the various incentives they offer to help you reduce your energy costs. Incentives can really help reduce the upfront cost of making those energy conserving changes. |
4:15 |
Solar Energy & Installing a Solar SystemCome learn from a solar professional how solar works, what is involved with installing a system, and the incentives available to help pay for your new solar array. |
Stop by Western Solar’s booth with your questions about going solar in Skagit Valley!
Vendor displays will be manned throughout the workshop/fair to answer your questions, show you the latest technology, and talk about programs available to you. You’ll be surprised at how much help is available to help you with your energy savings projects.
Learn more about the City of Anacortes’ progress in the Georgetown University Energy Prize competition.