There is currently a lot of turmoil in the solar industry supply chain as a result of the US Department of Commerce’s anti-circumvention probe, which has had an immediate and drastic impact on the pricing and availability of solar panels for US installers.
Western Solar is working to shore up our supply chain and set honest expectations with our customers about this volatility, but we are currently unable to offer new solar customers firm pricing or commit to a clear installation timeline.
Please note: If you are interested in exploring a ductless heat pump installation, those components are unaffected by this probe and we would love to speak to you about your heating and cooling needs.
If you are willing to wait for a solar bid
We believe we will have clarity on pricing and module availability in August 2022 and we would like to recommend you join our waitlist. As soon as we have firm commitments from distributors on solar panel availability and pricing, we will reach out to you in the order we received your request and schedule your onsite assessment with one of our in-house solar designers.
If you are intent on committing to a solar install sooner
We strongly advise you to seek clarity on the origins and availability of the solar panels you are purchasing and confirmation that you will not be subject to expensive change orders or equipment substitutions from the installer without your express approval. These 6 Tips for Choosing a Solar Installer should help you double-check that you are collecting bids from experienced installers and designers.
Solar Supply Chain News Roundup
This month, our focus has been on navigating the supply chain issues due to the Department of Commerce probe. Below are the top articles we’ve found covering this issue.
- Petition: Tell Congress: No New Tariffs on Solar Imports
- SEIA, May 19: Bipartisan Lawmakers Representing Nearly 200 Million Americans Unite Against Solar Tariff Case
- Canary Media, May 18: BNEF says Auxin misinterpreted its research in calling for solar tariffs
- The Washington Post, May 7: White House alarmed that Commerce probe is ‘smothering’ solar industry
- CNN, May 6: Solar energy projects are grinding to a halt in the US amid investigation into parts from China
- Electrek, May 2: Here’s how a new US protectionist move is backfiring badly on the US solar industry [update]
- The Washington Post, April 28: Outlook for solar industry is clouded by Commerce Department probe
- SEIA Analysis, April 27: Tariff Case Cuts Solar Deployment Forecasts Nearly in Half, 100,000 Jobs at Risk
- The Carbon Copy Podcast, April 27: How One Company Could Crush the US Solar Industry
- Canary Media, April 25: Will the Biden administration let one company kill US solar?
- SEIA, April 22: Earth Day 2022: America’s Clean Energy Progress Under Threat
Western Solar is experiencing an unprecedented demand for our services from our community and we are excited to train a new generation of solar professionals to meet it! If you know anyone who is interested in a career in solar energy, please visit our careers page.